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It has a very stable deep bony articulation with the hip bone, but a rather weak, unstable articulation distally with the leg bone or tibia at the knee. (Figure 13-3) The tibia (shin) supports the entire body weight, and gives rise to many important powerful muscles attaching to the ankle or foot. moral joint articulation has a convex on concave bony geometry that confers an inherent stability to this region of the knee, contributing to the propensity for many medial knee injuries to heal over time. Other key bony landmarks of the lateral knee include the lateral epicondyle, the fibular head, the popliteal sulcus, and the Gerdy tubercle Knee Anatomy . The knee is a synovial joint that consists of hyaline cartilage articulations between the femur, the tibia, and the patella ( Fig. 7.1 ).The menisci are C-shaped fibrocartilage structures between the femur and the tibia ( Fig. 7.1E ). Purpose Restoring the joint line (JL) improves clinical and classic resection technique, which does not respect the natural functional outcome in total knee arthroplasty (TKA).

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Pubic Symphisis – Found anteriorly in the midline above the crotch. 2. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine 3. Iliac Crest 4. Greater Trochanter of the Femur 5.

Afrösa, V. a, to set landmarks, to limit. Aktieteckning n. joint-stock«company. Ax, n. ear, spike; bit (of a key), gä i — , to shoot into ears, plocka — , to glean« -plockaro Igj a, bony; nice, ticklish, -kaflo, -kalf, m. the calf of the leg. Bock, m. buck, he-goat, göra en — , to make a blunder, —blad, n. knee- grass, -killing, m. kid.

-as. v, d. -byggnad, -fogning, f, bones. IVat,.

The cards are broken down into 10 sections: shoulder girdle, shoulder joint, elbow joint joints, abdominal and respiratory area, pelvic girdle and hip joint, knee joint, and ankle and foot joints. cards featuring key abbreviations, definitions of anatomical directional terminology, An addendum covers bony landmarks.

The tibia is the larger of the two bones and articulates with the femur to form the primary component of the knee joint. The tibia is wide at the proximal and distal ends to increase stability of the knee and ankle. The Tibia. The tibia is the main bone of the lower leg, forming what is more commonly known as the shin.

39) flexion of Bones & Bony Landmarks #1, p. 26 9) unlocking the joint—“the key . Depressions and openings have two main functions: allowing the passage of soft tissue through or along bone and formation of joints. The articular surfaces of  7 Jul 2016 The medial and lateral epicondyle as a reliable landmark for intra-operative joint line determination in revision knee arthroplasty. Bone Joint  The leg is specifically the region between the knee joint and the ankle joint.

Key bony landmarks of the knee joint

The orientation of the clavicle can be distinguished by its ends: a broad, flat acromial end (referred to as the lateral third); and a round pyramidal-like sternal end (referred to as the medial two-thirds). Each end has unique bony landmarks, depending whether the superior or inferior surface of the bone is viewed. PurposeRestoring the joint line (JL) improves clinical and functional outcome in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Therefore, anatomical landmarks to approximate the JL have been published. So far, the natural deviation of the JL 90° to the mechanical tibial axis has not been considered.

joins. joint. jointed.

Key bony landmarks of the knee joint


buck, he-goat, göra en — , to make a blunder, —blad, n. knee- grass, -killing, m.

bony. boo. boobies. booboo. booby. boobytrap. boobytrapped. boobytraps. booed button. buttoned. buttonhole. buttonholed. buttonholes. buttoning. buttons joinery. joining. joins. joint. jointed. jointing. jointly. joints. jointures. joist. joists knavery. knaves. knavish. knead. kneaded. kneading. kneads. knee. kneecap.

knee- Boja, f. backspace−key : backslagstangent bony : benig joints : anslutningar knee−breeches : knäbyxor landmark : milstolpe, gränsmärke. bony. boo. boobies. booboo.

IVat,. stickleback,. articulation,.